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Nov. 3, 2014
 Town of Princeton, Mass. --– Nov. 3, 2014  -- Minutes  -  BOARD OF SELECTMEN   
6:00 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Neil Sulmasy, Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

New Business
Selectmen considered a request from the Town of Sterling after their Town Administrator Jeff Ritter passed away unexpectedly. Sterling Selectman John Kilcoyne came in and explained that the Sterling BOS Chairman Brian Patacchiola had a recent meeting with Chailman Sulmasy and John Lebeaux. The Sterling board would like to “borrow” John L. in an advisory role until an interim T.A. is hired through references from Kopelman & Paige. They are putting together a search committee (basically the same group from a year ago that hired Mr. Ritter) and hope to have a fulltime T.A. hired by mid-January. John L. will spend a few hours each week until an interim is hired. He will work with Sterling’s assistant T.A. Kama Jayne. Both boards consider it a “neighbor helping neighbor” gesture, and Stan M. says Sterling helped Princeton out with ambulance mutual aid support in the period between fire chiefs.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to approve T.A. John L. providing advisory assistance to Sterling for a period up to Nov. 30.
Public Hearings
6:17 PM  Selectmen re-opened the Tax Classification Hearing with Assessors Tim Hammond and Helen Townsend present. Next year is a re-valuation year and Assessors will hire a professional to inspect properties on a time frame spread out in increments, which costs less. Stan M. voiced thanks to all the Town Hall staff who worked on the information and figures for classification.
        Neil S. called for public comment and hearing none, closed the public hearing and the board voted all in favor to adopt a “Factor of One” for an equal tax rate in all categories.
Meeting of BOS recessed
6:27 PM The board voted all in favor to recess the BOS meeting and open the meeting of the Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant Board
Meeting of BOS reconvened at 7:05 PM.
New Business
After brief discussion selectmen voted all in favor to sign the warrant for the Special Town Meeting dated November 18, 2014 with a single article drafted by bond counsel.
Selectmen voted all in favor to sign the ballot the for Special Town Election dated December 9, 2014
The board voted all in favor to two appoint election officers: Elizabeth Lawson, 214 E. Princeton Road and Bruce Rollins, 83 Worcester Road, for terms to end July 15, 2015.
The board voted all in favor to appoint a new member to Princeton Cultural Council: Patsy Mollica, 167 Westminster Road, for a term  to end June 30, 2017.
Old Business
 7:15 PM  John L. gave a report on maintenance issues around Town Hall. A work order to remove torn plastic sheeting from the attic windows was moved to top priority and job completed two weeks ago. A check on ornamental shrubs resulted in determination they they are in order; and, the “Wendy’s Garden” plot at the Library is maintained by Library Trustees.
7:22 PM Stan M. recognized that Henry Coffey had died recently. He had served on several Princeton boards.
Minutes and Warrants
Selectmen voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for October 20.
Selectmen reviewed and signed vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #9  

7:31 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department